Erika Ritzel
All Content © Copyright 2022 Erika Ritzel
It's Hard to Find Home Again (2006-2019)
The series, It's Hard to Find Home Again, was created while thinking about the connection between my parents, my hometown, our evolving relationships over the years, and the difficulty of being geographically separated. The images show activities and events that have occurred throughout our lives together; shoveling the driveway, eating breakfast, chores in the backyard, as well as metaphors of time and change found in the environment around us. All of the images were taken around my hometown in Illinois or in the Twin Cities area.
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Rosalux Gallery - Minneapolis, Minnesota - 2016

Medium Festival of Photography - Size Matters Exhibition - San Diego, California - 2017 - Photograph by Lisa Kimberly

Rosalux Gallery - Minneapolis, Minnesota - 2016